Quote Features for Customers

Enhancing Your Quoting Process with Custom Features

In the competitive Field Service software market, delivering detailed and professional quotes is crucial for winning new business. We are excited to introduce enhanced features to our quoting system that will streamline your workflow, save time, and present a polished, professional image to your clients.

Custom Features with Photos for Quotes

Our quoting system now allows you to automatically display custom-written features with accompanying photos for items included in your quotes. These features can be linked to multiple items, ensuring consistent information across similar products. This not only saves a considerable amount of time and effort but also eliminates the need for redundant work. Additionally, it helps you effectively communicate the benefits of your products while concealing specific details such as quantity and item names, thereby preventing your quotes from being used as a shopping list.

Enhanced Customisation Options

We have recently updated this feature to provide even greater customisation. You can now toggle these features on or off for all items using the "Hide Features from Customer" checkbox. Alternatively, you can hide specific features by toggling the "Hide from Customer" option on each individual feature. When a feature is hidden, it will appear greyed out for your staff members but will not be visible in the customer version of the quote.

Automated Updates for Efficiency

To ensure your quotes are always up-to-date without additional effort on your part, we have implemented automated updates. Whenever you update the text or image of a feature, these changes will automatically be reflected in all pending quotes. Similarly, adding or removing a feature from a specific product will update all pending quotes accordingly. This automation guarantees that all data remains consistent and synchronised, freeing you from the need to manually update each quote.

Key Benefits

1. Time Savings: Link features to multiple items to avoid repetitive work.

2. Professional Presentation: Include photos and custom-written features to enhance the appeal of your quotes.

3. Control Visibility: Use the toggle options to hide or show features as needed.

4. Consistency: Automated updates ensure all quotes reflect the latest information without manual intervention.

5. Security: Prevent your quotes from being used as a shopping list by hiding specific details.


Our enhanced quoting features are designed to make your life easier while improving the quality and professionalism of your quotes. By leveraging these tools, you can focus more on closing deals and less on administrative tasks. Embrace these updates and experience the benefits of a more efficient and effective quoting process.

Stay ahead in the Field Service software market with our advanced quoting solutions. Try out these new features today and see the difference they can make for your business.

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